Small Business

Why Sole-Aero solution is the best for  Small  Businesses:

Most small businesses are paying too much for their business communications. Paying for functionality they don’t require, support they never use and extortionate call charges. With SoleTel  Hosted Telephony there is no upfront capital investment, you only pay for what you use, and in most cases we are able to significantly reduce call charges.

As standard, Sole-Aero  provides you with a feature rich business telephony solution that includes voicemail, call forwarding, call history, follow-me, and speed dialling. You also gain access to a wide range of additional capabilities that are already installed and can be instantly enabled when required including conferencing, call recording, auto-attendant and mobile integration.

Cloud telephony from Sole-Aero  enables far greater business agility. Our flexible terms enable you to increase or reduce the number of users on a monthly basis and to add and remove functional capability as your business needs change.

For the small business Sole-Aero Hosted Telephony is ideal, there is no equipment to manage, no connections to maintain and no complex system administration – we provide our solution as a fully managed service. What is more, our cloud-based platform is both fully resilient and secure enabling you to focus on your business and not have to worry about your business communications.

Soleaero Hosted pricing

Soleaero’s Hosted UC Solution

Soleaero Whitepaper – Four Questions You Should Be Asking

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